Branded Content Video Production Las Vegas

Branded Content Video Production Las Vegas

Our branded content video production services in Las Vegas are unmatched. That’s not only because we use the latest and best equipment for the job (which we do); it’s not because we have the most experienced and creative experts in our team (we do), neither is it because we are capable of finding the most scenic and memorable locations for the video shoots (we can). It’s because we believe in delivering the message to the client in a manner that enhances your brand authority.

We believe that branded content videos should first seek to connect with the customers at their point of need. That’s why we pay close attention to the message and how it’s narrated through the videos we shoot.

Why Create Branded Content Videos?

Did you know that 84% of your customers expect your brand to create content in various forms and on various platforms? While most of what your brand stands for, such as the USPs and Corporate Missions, can be delivered through explainer videos on your website, these are not the things that will stick in the minds of most of your customers. They are just too brand centered.

Branded content videos are designed to be customer-centric. These are short pieces of high-quality productions that carry educational content which happens to be delivered by your brand.

Not only do branded content videos carry messages that resonate with your customers, but they also educate the customer on specific issues they care about. Branded content videos do all this while keeping the customers entertained and focused on your brand.

Why Us?

If done poorly, branded content videos, much like paid ads, can have a negative effect on your audience. Instead of endearing them to your brand, it can turn them off. That’s why you need to use a highly professional outfit that not only knows how to shoot video content but knows exactly how to frame any subject matter so that it connects with the intended audience.

Shooting branded content videos in Las Vegas is particularly challenging. As is the case in most of the world, people’s attention spans are getting shorter and worse still in a place like Vegas. To capture your audiences’ attention, you need something spectacular that will stand out and grab people by the eyes and ears and make them listen.

Here at Smoke & Mirrors Productions, we can create that something.

We have a long and illustrious track record of providing our customers with exceptional video marketing content regardless of their niche or market. Our team has members with decades of experience and expertise in videography, editing and content production.

We are familiar with all the iconic and most scenic locations in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our branded video production process is both professional and seamless. We can easily work within the stipulated time, be it a matter of hours or shooting on location for days until we have the perfect video.

Thanks to our expertise, experience and local knowledge, we are the best team to offer you outstanding branded content videos that speak not only to Las Vegas natives but also to the entire country.

Give us a call or email us to discuss the budget, the location and the content.